Date Series Part 2 of Fluxbox Tags fluxbox / menus

As this is such a large subject I've split it into three, and this part just deals with the menus, the ones you get if you 'Right+Click' with your mouse on the desktop.

## menu generated by 'menumaker 0.99.7' on 15/06/13
[begin] (FluxBox)
    [submenu] (Development)
        [exec] (BlueFish) {bluefish}
        [exec] (Geany) {geany}
        [exec] (Python [v2.6]) {xterm -e python2.6}
        [exec] (Python [v2.7]) {xterm -e python2.7}
        [exec] (Python [v3.2]) {xterm -e python3.2}
        [exec] (Python [v3.3]) {xterm -e python3.3}
        [exec] (Reportbug) {xterm -e reportbug --exit-prompt}
        [exec] (Ruby [irb1.8]) {xterm -e irb1.8}
        [exec] (Ruby [irb1.9.1]) {xterm -e irb1.9.1}
        [exec] (SciTE Text Editor) {SciTE}
        [exec] (Tclsh8.4) {xterm -e tclsh8.4}
        [exec] (Tclsh8.5) {xterm -e tclsh8.5}
        [exec] (TkWish8.4) {x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/wish8.4}
        [exec] (TkWish8.5) {x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/wish8.5}
    [submenu] (Editors)
        [exec] (Cream) {cream}
        [exec] (dvtm) {xterm -e dvtm}
        [exec] (gedit) {gedit}
        [exec] (Gobby) {gobby-0.5}
        [exec] (Gobby Collaborative Editor [0.4]) {gobby-0.4}
        [exec] (gPDFText ebook editor) {gpdftext}
        [exec] (GVim) {gvim}
        [exec] (GVIM) {vim.gtk -g -f}
        [exec] (HTMLDoc) {htmldoc}
        [exec] (Leafpad) {leafpad}
        [exec] (Nano) {xterm -e nano}
        [exec] (Pico) {xterm -e pico}
        [exec] (scite) {scite}
        [exec] (TEA Text Editor) {tea}
        [exec] (Vi) {xterm -e vi}
        [exec] (Vim) {xterm -e vim}
        [exec] (Xedit) {xedit}
        [exec] (Zim Desktop Wiki) {zim}
    [submenu] (Games)
        [submenu] (Adventure)
            [exec] (Adventure) {xterm -e adventure}
            [exec] (Balazar III [2D version]) {balazar3 --2d}
            [exec] (Beneath A Steel Sky) {scummvm -p /usr/share/scummvm/beneath-a-steel-sky sky}
            [exec] (Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back) {scummvm -m 128 -p /usr/share/scummvm/drascula drascula}
            [exec] (Flight of the Amazon Queen) {scummvm -p /usr/share/scummvm/flight-of-the-amazon-queen queen}
            [exec] (Hack) {xterm -e hack}
            [exec] (Hunt the Wumpus) {xterm -e wump}
            [exec] (Lure of the Temptress) {scummvm -p /usr/share/scummvm/lure-of-the-temptress/en lure}
            [exec] (Omega) {xterm -e omega-rpg}
            [exec] (Phantasia) {xterm -e phantasia}
            [exec] (ScummVM) {scummvm}
            [exec] (Tome) {xterm -e tome}
        [submenu] (Amusement)
            [exec] (Oclock) {oclock}
            [exec] (Rain) {xterm -e rain}
            [exec] (Worms) {xterm -e worms}
            [exec] (Xclock [analog]) {xclock -analog}
            [exec] (Xclock [digital]) {xclock -digital -update 1}
            [exec] (Xeyes) {xeyes}
            [exec] (Xlogo) {xlogo}
        [submenu] (Arcade)
            [exec] (AssaultCube) {assaultcube}
            [exec] (Bomber) {bomber}
            [exec] (Chocolate Doom) {chocolate-doom}
            [exec] (Chocolate Server) {xterm -e chocolate-server}
            [exec] (Freedoom) {freedoom}
            [exec] (FreeGish) {freegish}
            [exec] (Kraptor) {kraptor}
            [exec] (Monsterz) {monsterz}
            [exec] (Nikwi Deluxe) {nikwi}
            [exec] (Open Invaders) {open-invaders -w}
            [exec] (Overgod) {overgod}
            [exec] (PrBoom) {prboom}
            [exec] (SuperTux) {supertux}
            [exec] (Transcend) {transcend}
            [exec] (Trophy) {trophy}
            [exec] (Vavoom) {vlaunch}
        [submenu] (Board)
            [exec] (Backgammon) {xterm -e backgammon -pb}
            [exec] (GNU Go) {xterm -e gnugo}
            [exec] (Gomoku) {xterm -e gomoku}
            [exec] (GRhino) {grhino}
            [exec] (Monopoly) {xterm -e monop}
            [exec] (Quarry) {quarry}
        [submenu] (Card)
            [exec] (Canfield) {xterm -e canfield}
            [exec] (Cribbage) {xterm -e cribbage}
            [exec] (Mille Bornes) {xterm -e mille}
        [submenu] (Puzzle)
            [exec] (Boggle) {xterm -e boggle}
            [exec] (Hangman) {xterm -e hangman}
        [submenu] (Simulation)
            [exec] (Micropolis) {micropolis}
        [submenu] (Strategy)
            [exec] (FreeCraft) {freecraft}
            [exec] (Pingus) {pingus}
            [exec] (Sail) {xterm -e sail}
            [exec] (Seven Kingdoms) {7kaa}
            [exec] (Widelands) {widelands}
                [submenu] (Openended)
        [exec] (nInvaders) {xterm -e nInvaders}
        [exec] (Open Invaders) {open-invaders}
        [exec] (Pachi el marciano) {pachi}
        [exec] (PacMan) {pacman}
        [exec] (Rclock) {rclock}
        [exec] (Robots) {xterm -e robots}
        [exec] (Star Trek) {xterm -e trek}
    [submenu] (Graphics)
        [exec] (Agave) {agave}
        [exec] (apvlv) {apvlv}
        [exec] (dotty) {dotty}
        [exec] (Fontmatrix) {fontmatrix}
        [exec] (GNU Image Manipulation Program) {gimp-2.8}
        [exec] (gv) {gv}
        [exec] (Image Viewer) {gpicview}
        [exec] (ImageMagick) {display.im6 logo:}
        [exec] (lefty) {lefty}
        [exec] (LibreOffice Draw) {libreoffice --draw}
        [exec] (Scribus) {scribus}
        [exec] (Take Screenshot) {gpe-screenshot}
        [exec] (The GIMP) {gimp}
        [exec] (Xditview) {xditview}
        [exec] (xpdf) {xpdf}
        [exec] (XSane Image scanning program) {xsane}
    [submenu] (Multimedia)
        [exec] (ALSA mixer) {xterm -e alsamixer}
        [exec] (Audio Mixer) {xfce4-mixer}
        [exec] (Brasero) {brasero}
        [exec] (Exaile) {exaile}
        [exec] (Music Player) {lxmusic}
        [exec] (Ncmpcpp) {xterm -e ncmpcpp}
        [exec] (Pithos) {pithos}
        [exec] (SMPlayer) {smplayer}
        [exec] (TiMidity++) {timidity -ia}
        [exec] (Transmageddon Video Transcoder) {transmageddon}
        [exec] (VLC media player) {vlc}
        [exec] (VLC media player) {qvlc}
        [exec] (XBMC Media Center) {xbmc}
        [exec] (Xfmpc) {xfmpc}
    [submenu] (Network)
        [exec] (Blogilo) {blogilo}
        [exec] (Chromium Web Browser) {chromium}
        [exec] (Drivel Journal Editor) {drivel}
        [exec] (FatRat) {fatrat}
        [exec] (FireFox) {firefox}
        [exec] (Flush) {flush}
        [exec] (FTP) {xterm -e ftp}
        [exec] (gFTP) {gftp-gtk}
        [exec] (Google Chrome) {google-chrome}
        [exec] (gPodder) {gpodder}
        [exec] (Hotot Gtk2) {hotot}
        [exec] (Iceweasel) {iceweasel}
        [exec] (KNode) {knode}
        [exec] (Konqueror) {kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing}
        [exec] (Mail) {xterm -e mail}
        [exec] (Mail Reader) {exo-open --launch MailReader}
        [exec] (Midori Private Browsing) {midori}
        [exec] (Mutt) {xterm -e mutt}
        [exec] (Opera) {opera}
        [exec] (Opera Next) {opera-next}
        [exec] (Pidgin Internet Messenger) {pidgin}
        [exec] (Telnet) {xterm -e telnet}
        [exec] (W3m) {xterm -e w3m}
        [exec] (w3m) {xterm -e w3m /usr/share/doc/w3m/MANUAL.html}
        [exec] (Web Browser) {exo-open --launch WebBrowser}
        [exec] (X-Chat) {xchat}
    [submenu] (Office)
        [exec] (Calligra Words) {calligrawords}
        [exec] (Claws Mail) {claws-mail}
        [exec] (Document Viewer) {evince}
        [exec] (Gramps) {gramps}
        [exec] (Kile) {kile}
        [exec] (LaTeXila) {latexila}
        [exec] (LibreOffice Calc) {libreoffice --calc}
        [exec] (LibreOffice Impress) {libreoffice}
        [exec] (LibreOffice Impress) {libreoffice --impress}
        [exec] (LibreOffice Math) {libreoffice --math}
        [exec] (LibreOffice Writer) {libreoffice --writer}
        [exec] (Okular) {okular}
        [exec] (Orage Calendar) {orage}
        [exec] (Orage Globaltime) {globaltime}
        [exec] (qpdfview) {qpdfview}
        [exec] (Texmaker) {texmaker}
        [exec] (VYM - View Your Mind) {vym}
        [exec] (Xbiff) {xbiff}
        [exec] (xCHM) {xchm}
        [exec] (XDvi) {xdvi}
        [exec] (Zathura) {zathura}
    [submenu] (Other)
        [exec] (Abstractile) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/abstractile -root}
        [exec] (Cairo-Dock [no OpenGL]) {cairo-dock -A}
        [exec] (Choqok) {choqok}
        [exec] (CWaves) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/cwaves -root}
        [exec] (Deco) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/deco -root}
        [exec] (Distort) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/distort -root}
        [exec] (Docky) {docky}
        [exec] (Fiberlamp) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/fiberlamp -root}
        [exec] (Find Files/Folders) {kfind}
        [exec] (FreeMind) {freemind}
        [exec] (Freeplane) {freeplane}
        [exec] (FuzzyFlakes) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/fuzzyflakes -root}
        [exec] (Galaxy) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/galaxy -root}
        [exec] (Galculator) {galculator}
        [exec] (GDebi Package Installer) {gdebi-gtk}
        [exec] (GLX-Dock [Cairo-Dock with OpenGL]) {cairo-dock}
        [exec] (Gummi) {gummi}
        [exec] (IcedTea Web Control Panel) {itweb-settings}
        [exec] (ImageMagick [display]) {display.im6}
        [exec] (KeepNote) {keepnote}
        [exec] (m6502) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/m6502 -root}
        [exec] (MetaBalls) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/metaballs -root}
        [exec] (OpenJDK Java 6 Policy Tool) {policytool}
        [exec] (OpenTTD) {openttd}
        [exec] (Penrose) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/penrose -root}
        [exec] (RedNotebook) {rednotebook}
        [exec] (Reportbug) {reportbug --exit-prompt --ui gtk2}
        [exec] (Ripples) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/ripples -root}
        [exec] (Secret Maryo Chronicles) {smc}
        [exec] (ShadeBobs) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/shadebobs -root}
        [exec] (SlideScreen) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/slidescreen -root}
        [exec] (streamtuner2) {streamtuner2}
        [exec] (Swirl) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/swirl -root}
        [exec] (Virtual Machine Manager) {virt-manager}
        [exec] (VMware Player) {vmplayer}
        [exec] (Xiphos Bible Guide) {xiphos}
        [exec] (XLyap) {/usr/lib/xscreensaver/xlyap -root}
    [submenu] (Science)
        [exec] (Stellarium) {stellarium}
    [submenu] (Shells)
        [exec] (AQEMU) {aqemu}
        [exec] (Bash) {xterm -e bash --login}
        [exec] (Dash) {xterm -e dash -i}
        [exec] (Dolphin) {dolphin}
        [exec] (Eterm) {Eterm}
        [exec] (File Manager) {pcmanfm}
        [exec] (GIT) {xterm -e git}
        [exec] (Konsole) {konsole}
        [exec] (LXTerminal) {lxterminal}
        [exec] (Qemu Launcher) {qemu-launcher}
        [exec] (QtEmu) {qtemu}
        [exec] (Root Terminal) {gksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator}
        [exec] (ROXTerm) {roxterm}
        [exec] (Rxvt) {rxvt}
        [exec] (Sh) {xterm -e sh --login}
        [exec] (Terminator) {terminator}
        [exec] (Termit) {termit}
        [exec] (Thunar File Manager) {thunar}
        [exec] (UXTerm) {uxterm}
        [exec] (VirtualBox) {VirtualBox}
        [exec] (VirtualBox) {virtualbox}
        [exec] (Worker) {worker}
        [exec] (Xterm) {xterm}
        [exec] (Yakuake) {yakuake}
    [submenu] (System)
        [submenu] (Settings)
            [submenu] (GNOME)
                [exec] (Adobe Flash Player) {flash-player-properties}
                [exec] (GParted) {gparted-pkexec}
                [exec] (Network Connections) {nm-connection-editor}
                [exec] (Passwords and Keys) {seahorse}
            [submenu] (Xfce)
                [exec] (Orage preferences) {orage -p}
                [exec] (Screensaver) {xscreensaver-demo}
                [exec] (Settings Manager) {xfce4-settings-manager}
            [exec] (About Razor) {razor-about}
            [exec] (Accessibility) {xfce4-accessibility-settings}
            [exec] (Appearance) {xfce4-appearance-settings}
            [exec] (Chocolate Doom Setup) {xterm -e chocolate-setup}
            [exec] (Customize Look and Feel) {lxappearance}
            [exec] (Desktop) {xfdesktop-settings}
            [exec] (Desktop Session Settings) {lxsession-edit}
            [exec] (Display) {xfce4-display-settings}
            [exec] (File Manager) {thunar-settings}
            [exec] (Keyboard) {xfce4-keyboard-settings}
            [exec] (Keyboard and Mouse) {lxinput}
            [exec] (MIME Type Editor) {xfce4-mime-settings}
            [exec] (Monitor Settings) {lxrandr}
            [exec] (Mouse and Touchpad) {xfce4-mouse-settings}
            [exec] (Notifications) {xfce4-notifyd-config}
            [exec] (Openbox Configuration Manager) {obconf}
            [exec] (Panel) {xfce4-panel --preferences}
            [exec] (Preferred Applications) {libfm-pref-apps}
            [exec] (Preferred Applications) {exo-preferred-applications}
            [exec] (Print Settings) {system-config-printer}
            [exec] (Qt 4 Settings) {qtconfig-qt4}
            [exec] (Qt Configuration) {qtconfig}
            [exec] (Razor Appearance Configuration) {razor-config-appearance}
            [exec] (Razor Autosuspend Configuration) {razor-config-autosuspend}
            [exec] (Razor Configuration Center) {razor-config}
            [exec] (Razor Desktop Configurator) {razor-config-desktop}
            [exec] (Razor Freedesktop Notifications Configuration) {razor-config-notificationd}
            [exec] (Razor Mouse Configurator) {razor-config-mouse}
            [exec] (Razor Session Configurator) {razor-config-session}
            [exec] (Razor Shortcut Configuration) {razor-config-globalkeyshortcuts}
            [exec] (Removable Drives and Media) {thunar-volman-settings}
            [exec] (Session and Startup) {xfce4-session-settings}
            [exec] (Settings Editor) {xfce4-settings-editor}
            [exec] (Synaptic Package Manager) {synaptic-pkexec}
            [exec] (Window Manager) {xfwm4-settings}
            [exec] (Window Manager Tweaks) {xfwm4-tweaks-settings}
            [exec] (Workspaces) {xfwm4-workspace-settings}
            [exec] (Xfontsel) {xfontsel}
            [exec] (Xvidtune) {xvidtune}
                [submenu] (Thingies)
        [exec] (Aptitude Package Manager [text]) {xterm -e aptitude-curses}
        [exec] (Bulk Rename) {/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/Thunar/ThunarBulkRename}
        [exec] (Conky) {xterm -e conky}
        [exec] (dconf Editor) {dconf-editor}
        [exec] (Debian Task selector) {xterm -e su-to-root -c tasksel}
        [exec] (Editres) {editres}
        [exec] (fbpanel) {fbpanel}
        [exec] (gdesklets) {gdesklets}
        [exec] (GNOME partition editor) {su-to-root -X -c /usr/sbin/gparted}
        [exec] (gpa) {gpa}
        [exec] (Grsync) {grsync}
        [exec] (gsetroot) {gsetroot}
        [exec] (Htop) {xterm -e htop}
        [exec] (idesk) {idesk}
        [exec] (IPTraf) {xterm -e su-to-root -c /usr/sbin/iptraf}
        [exec] (Krusader - root-mode) {krusader}
        [exec] (Leave) {razor-power}
        [exec] (Log Out) {xfce4-session-logout}
        [exec] (Nepomuk Backup) {nepomukbackup}
        [exec] (Nepomuk File Indexing Controller) {nepomukcontroller}
        [exec] (Power Statistics) {gnome-power-statistics}
        [exec] (Pstree) {xterm -e pstree.x11}
        [exec] (Synaptic Package Manager) {x-terminal-emulator -e synaptic-pkexec}
        [exec] (Task Manager) {lxtask}
        [exec] (TeXconfig) {xterm -e texconfig}
        [exec] (Top) {xterm -e top}
        [exec] (Xclipboard) {xclipboard}
        [exec] (Xconsole) {xconsole -file /dev/xconsole}
        [exec] (Xev) {x-terminal-emulator -e xev}
        [exec] (Xkill) {xkill}
        [exec] (Xload) {xload}
        [exec] (Xrefresh) {xrefresh}
        [exec] (zuluCrypt) {zuluCrypt-gui}
    [submenu] (Utilities)
        [exec] (About Xfce) {xfce4-about}
        [exec] (Activate ScreenSaver [Next]) {xscreensaver-command -next}
        [exec] (Activate ScreenSaver [Previous]) {xscreensaver-command -prev}
        [exec] (Activate ScreenSaver [Random]) {xscreensaver-command -activate}
        [exec] (Application Finder) {xfce4-appfinder}
        [exec] (Archive Manager) {file-roller}
        [exec] (Ark) {ark}
        [exec] (Bc) {xterm -e bc}
        [exec] (Blog Entry Poster) {gnome-blog-poster}
        [exec] (ClipIt) {clipit}
        [exec] (Dc) {xterm -e dc}
        [exec] (Demo Screen Hacks) {xscreensaver-command -demo}
        [exec] (Disable XScreenSaver) {xscreensaver-command -exit}
        [exec] (Enable XScreenSaver) {xscreensaver}
        [exec] (Engrampa Archive Manager) {engrampa}
        [exec] (Figaros Password Manager 2) {fpm2}
        [exec] (File Manager) {exo-open --launch FileManager}
        [exec] (Filelight) {filelight}
        [exec] (Files) {nemo}
        [exec] (Files) {nautilus}
        [exec] (gdeskcal) {gdeskcal}
        [exec] (gDesklets) {gdesklets shell}
        [exec] (Gjots2 Jotter) {gjots2}
        [exec] (Help) {yelp}
        [exec] (Info) {xterm -e info}
        [exec] (KGpg) {kgpg}
        [exec] (Lock Screen [XScreenSaver]) {xscreensaver-command -lock}
        [exec] (Reinitialize XScreenSaver) {xscreensaver-command -restart}
        [exec] (Removable media catalog managment) {gwhere}
        [exec] (Run Program...) {xfce4-appfinder --collapsed}
        [exec] (ScreenSaver Preferences) {xscreensaver-command -prefs}
        [exec] (Shutter) {shutter}
        [exec] (SpaceFM File Search) {spacefm}
        [exec] (Terminal Emulator) {exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator}
        [exec] (TeXdoctk) {texdoctk}
        [exec] (Tomboy Notes) {tomboy --search}
        [exec] (TrueCrypt) {truecrypt}
        [exec] (Xarchiver) {xarchiver}
        [exec] (Xcalc) {xcalc}
        [exec] (Xman) {xman}
        [exec] (Xpad) {xpad}
          [submenu] (My Menu)
          [include] (~/.fluxbox/usermenu)
    [submenu] (FluxBox)
        [workspaces] (Workspaces)
        [submenu] (Styles)
            [stylesdir] (/usr/local/share/fluxbox/styles)
            [stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
        [config] (Configure)
        [reconfig] (Reconfig)
        [restart] (Restart)
        [exit] (Exit)

As already shown this was generated by a programme called menumaker which is at, and although it is getting a bit long in the tooth now and hasn't really been updated for several years, its still useful. It is very quick to generate the menu for you, and quite easy to set it all up, but the only gripe I have with it is that the menu itself when it has a large number of programmes in its menu instead of having just one column which is quite long, it has two or even three columns which take up quite a bit of space. I mean like this

Figure 1

But, by careful use of the menu, you can minimize the size of the menu by using a style which has a smaller font size thereby taking up less screen space. The whole file is saved as /home/boudiccas/.fluxbox/menu.

I now have a much smaller menu, but have a usermenu which autoloads from the main menu and this is it -

[begin] (FluxBox)
         [exec] (Claws-Mail)    {claws-mail} 
         [exec] (Thunar) {thunar}
         [exec] (google-chrome) {google-chrome} 
        [exec] (TEA Text Editor) {tea}
        [exec] (Pogo music player) {~/programmes/pogo-0.8.1/}
        [exec] (hnb) {roxterm -e hnb}
        [exec] (Filelight) {filelight}
        [exec] (bareftp) {bareftp}
        [exec] (filezilla) {filezilla}
        [exec] (jftp) {jftp}
        [exec] (ncftp) {ncftp}
        [exec] (tnftp) {tnftp}
        [exec] (gftp-gtk) {gftp-gtk}
        [exec] (krusader) {krusader}
        [exec] (whaawmp film player) {~/programmes/whaawmp-0.2.14/whaawmp}
        [exec] (QpdfView) {qpdfview}
        [exec] (Start MediaCentre) {xbmc}
        [exec] (Figaro password manager) {fpm2}
        [exec] (Screen Lock [bound to CTRL+ALT+L]) {i3lock}
        [exec] (About) {(fluxbox -v; fluxbox -info | sed 1d) 2> /dev/null | xmessage -file - -center}
        [exec] (make a new menu) {mmaker fluxbox -f}
        [exec] (Yakuake) {yakuake}
        [exec] (Virtual Machine Manager) {termit -e gksudo virt-manager}
        [include] (~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/imagebgmenu)
        !#[submenu] (My Menu)
        !#[include] (~/.fluxbox/usermenu)
    [submenu] (Conky)
        [exec] (Conky die) {pkill conky}
        [exec] (Conky all start) {conky -dc ~/.conky/.conkyrc9 & conky -dc ~/.conky/.conkyrc_exgerman & conky -dc ~/.conky/.conkyrc5}
        [exec] (Basic) {conky -dc ~/.conky/.conkyrc}
        [exec] (Ex-german) {conky -dc ~/.conky/.conkyrc_exgerman}
        ![stylesdir] (~/.conky/)
        [scriptsdir] (~/.conky/)
        [submenu] (Backgrounds)
        [wallpapers] (/usr/share/backgrounds)
        [wallpapers] (~/.fluxbox/backgrounds)
        [wallpapers] (~/Pictures)
            [submenu] (Debian Menu) 
                [include] (/etc/X11/fluxbox/menudefs.hook)
         [submenu] (Start up)
            [exec] (Truecrypt) {truecrypt}
            [exec] (Conky all start) {conky -dc ~/.conky/.conkyrc9 & conky -dc ~/.conky/.conkyrc_exgerman & conky -dc ~/.conky/.conkyrc5}
            [exec] (Gjots2) {gjots2}
            [exec] (Scratch Tray) {~/programmes/}
            [exec] (xclip) {xclip}
            [exec] (Zim wiki) {zim}
            [exec] (urxvt + tmux) {urxvt -e tmux}
            [exec] (Globonotes) {~/programmes/}
            [exec] (Yakuake) {yakuake}
          [submenu] (File Utils)
    [exec] (nautilus) {nautilus --no-desktop}
    [exec] (pcmanfm) {pcmanfm}
    [exec] (Thunar) {thunar}
    [exec] (Nemo) {nemo --no-desktop}
    [exec] (Dolphin) {dolphin}
    [exec] (TEA Text Editor) {tea}
    [exec] (tmux) {urxvt -e tmux}
    [exec] (SpaceFM) {spacefm}
   [config] (Configuration)
        [submenu] (FluxBox)
        [workspaces] (Workspaces)
        [submenu] (Styles)
            [stylesdir] (/usr/local/share/fluxbox/styles)
            [stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
        [config] (Configure)
        [reconfig] (Reconfig)
        [restart] (Restart)
        [submenu] (Config Files)
            [exec] (Fluxbox Menu Edit) {leafpad ~/.fluxbox/menu}
            [exec] (Fluxbox Key Binds) {leafpad ~/.fluxbox/keys}
            [exec] (XF86Config) {leafpad /etc/X11/XF86Config}
            [exec] (.xinitrc) {leafpad ~/.xinitrc}
            [exec] (.bashrc) {leafpad ~/.bashrc}
            [exec] (.bash_profile) {leafpad ~/.bash_profile}
            [exec] (.bash_aliases) {leafpad ~/.bash_aliases}
            [exec] (/etc/fstab) {sudo leafpad /etc/fstab}
            [exec] (.conkyrc) {leafpad ~/.conkyrc}
            [exec] (.conkyrc5) {leafpad ~/.conkyrc5}
            [exec] (.conkyrc9) {leafpad ~/.conkyrc9}
            [exec] (UserMenu) {leafpad ~/.fluxbox/usermenu}
           [submenu] (Quit)
      [exec] (Log out)
      [exec] (Reboot) {sudo /sbin/reboot}
      [exec] (Shutdown) {sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now}

Again, look out for the line-wrapping. The relevant part for the auto-loading is

        !#[submenu] (My Menu)
        !#[include] (~/.fluxbox/usermenu)

without the !# comments at the beginning of each line. This means that I can add things to the menu without generating a new main menu, which could be done using the command of '[exec] (make a new menu) {mmaker fluxbox -f}'. But, when you do generate a main menu you have to add those 'My Menu' lines yourself and remove the comments from them to enable it to work. I find this very useful and means that I don't have to generate a new menu every time I install a new programme as I can just add it into the 'usermenu' and its automatically available for use.

Its also possible to generate a menu from fluxbox-generate_menu which is here -

# Generated by fluxbox-generate_menu on 15/06/13
# If you read this it means you want to edit this file manually, so here
# are some useful tips:
# - You can add your own menu-entries to ~/.fluxbox/usermenu
# - If you miss apps please let me know and I will add them for the next
#   release.
# - The -r option prevents removing of empty menu entries and lines which
#   makes things much more readable.
# - To prevent any other app from overwriting your menu
#   you can change the menu name in ~/.fluxbox/init to:
#     session.menuFile: ~/.fluxbox/my-menu
[begin] (Fluxbox-1.3.5)
[encoding] {UTF-8}
      [exec] (Eterm) {Eterm}
      [exec] (firefox) {firefox}
[submenu] (Terminals)
      [exec]   (xterm) {xterm}
      [exec]   (urxvt) {urxvt}
      [exec]   (urxvtc) {urxvtc}
      [exec]   (gnome-terminal) {gnome-terminal}
      [exec]   (Eterm) {Eterm}
      [exec]   (konsole) {konsole}
      [exec]   (aterm) {aterm}
      [exec]   (rxvt) {rxvt}
      [exec]   (mrxvt) {mrxvt}
[submenu] (Net)
[submenu] (Browsers)
      [exec]   (firefox) {firefox}
      [exec]   (dillo) {dillo}
      [exec]   (opera) {env QT_XFT=true opera}
      [exec]   (w3m) {Eterm -e w3m}
[submenu] (IM)
      [exec]   (pidgin) {pidgin}
[submenu] (Mail)
      [exec]   (evolution) {evolution}
      [exec]   (sylpheed-claws) {sylpheed-claws}
      [exec]   (claws-mail) {claws-mail}
      [exec]   (mutt) {Eterm -e mutt}
[submenu] (News)
      [exec]   (pan) {pan}
[submenu] (IRC)
      [exec]   (xchat) {xchat}
      [exec]   (irssi) {Eterm -e irssi}
[submenu] (FTP)
      [exec]   (gftp) {gftp}
      [exec]   (pftp) {Eterm -e pftp}
      [exec]   (ftp) {Eterm -e ftp}
[submenu] (Editors)
      [exec]   (gvim) {gvim}
      [exec]   (bluefish) {bluefish}
      [exec]   (nedit) {nedit}
      [exec]   (gedit) {gedit}
      [exec]   (xedit) {xedit}
      [exec]   (emacs) {emacs}
      [exec]   (cream) {cream}
      [exec]   (evim) {evim}
      [exec]   (scite) {scite}
      [exec]   (vim) {Eterm -e vim}
      [exec]   (vi) {Eterm -e vi}
      [exec]   (jed) {Eterm -e jed}
      [exec]   (emacs-nw) {Eterm -e emacs -nw}
[submenu] (Education)
      [exec]   (gnuplot) {Eterm -e gnuplot}
[submenu] (File utils)
      [exec]   (krusader) {krusader}
      [exec]   (tuxcmd) {tuxcmd}
      [exec]   (xfe) {xfe}
      [exec]   (worker) {worker}
      [exec] (nautilus) {nautilus --no-desktop --browser}
[submenu] (Multimedia)
[submenu] (Graphics)
      [exec]   (gimp) {gimp}
      [exec]   (inkscape) {inkscape}
      [exec]   (xscreensaver-demo) {xscreensaver-demo}
      [exec]   (krita) {krita}
[submenu] (Audio)
      [exec]   (alsaplayer) {alsaplayer}
      [exec]   (aumix) {aumix}
      [exec]   (kmix) {kmix}
      [exec]   (rhythmbox) {rhythmbox}
      [exec]   (audacious) {audacious}
      [exec]   (cdcd) {Eterm -e cdcd}
      [exec]   (alsamixer) {Eterm -e alsamixer}
[submenu] (Video)
      [exec]   (xine) {xine}
      [exec]   (gxine) {gxine}
      [exec]   (gmplayer) {gmplayer}
      [exec]   (vlc) {vlc}
[submenu] (X-utils)
      [exec]   (xfontsel) {xfontsel}
      [exec]   (xman) {xman}
      [exec]   (xload) {xload}
      [exec]   (xbiff) {xbiff}
      [exec]   (editres) {editres}
      [exec]   (viewres) {viewres}
      [exec]   (xclock) {xclock}
      [exec]   (xmag) {xmag}
      [exec]   (wmagnify) {wmagnify}
      [exec] (Reload .Xdefaults) {xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults}
[submenu] (Office)
      [exec]   (xclock) {xclock}
      [exec]   (xcalc) {xcalc}
      [exec]   (evolution) {evolution}
      [exec] (gcalc) {gnome-calculator}
      [exec]   (gv) {gv}
[submenu] (Games)
      [exec]   (xpenguins) {xpenguins}
      [exec]   (xeyes) {xeyes}
      [exec]   (quake3) {quake3}
      [exec]   (dosbox) {dosbox}
      [exec]   (freeciv) {freeciv}
      [exec]   (freeciv-server) {freeciv-server}
      [exec]   (scummvm) {scummvm}
      [exec]   (supertux) {supertux}
      [exec]   (doom) {doom}
      [exec]   (xmoto) {xmoto}
[submenu] (System Tools)
[submenu] (Burning)
      [exec]   (k3b) {k3b}
      [exec]   (top) {Eterm -e top}
      [exec]   (htop) {Eterm -e htop}
[submenu] (Fluxbox menu)
      [config] (Configure)
[submenu] (System Styles) {Choose a style...}
      [stylesdir] (/usr/local/share/fluxbox/styles)
[submenu] (User Styles) {Choose a style...}
      [stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
      [workspaces] (Workspace List)
[submenu] (Tools)
      [exec] (Window name) {xprop WM_CLASS|cut -d \" -f 2|gxmessage -file - -center}
      [exec] (Screenshot - JPG) {import screenshot.jpg && display -resize 50% screenshot.jpg}
      [exec] (Screenshot - PNG) {import screenshot.png && display -resize 50% screenshot.png}
      [exec] (Regen Menu) {fluxbox-generate_menu}
[submenu] (Window Managers)
      [restart] (metacity) {metacity}
      [restart] (enlightenment) {enlightenment}
      [restart] (openbox) {openbox}
      [restart] (xfce4) {startxfce4}
      [restart] (gnome) {gnome-session}
      [restart] (windowmaker) {wmaker}
      [exec] (Lock screen) {xscreensaver-command -lock}
      [commanddialog] (Fluxbox Command)
      [reconfig] (Reload config)
      [restart] (Restart)
      [exec] (About) {(fluxbox@EXEEXT@ -v; fluxbox@EXEEXT@ -info | sed 1d) | gxmessage -file - -center}
      [exit] (Exit)

If you compare the two different menus which are the mainmenu, you'll see that the menu maker one is far more comprehensive and easier to use and gives a far better menu to use in fluxbox.


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